Talking Totems: Leon and His (Girl’s) Pocket Squares

IMG_1772Leon, a Hong Kong native, was in town for a brief week before returning to his current address in Japan.  I met him leaning on the sidewalk railing on Hollywood Rd.  We both wanted to catch the early shift of a sample sale from The Armoury and Ascot Chang.  Of all the stock available, he chose a handful of squares, which were not just for his breast pocket.  Not just his, for that matter.

Leon, a sale like that and you only got pocket squares?  Why?

I’m trying to be good on this trip!  Plus, they’re not just for me.

What do you mean?

My girlfriend.  She likes to wear them too.  You know how you’re out with your girl, and you’ll just casually slip something in her purse?  Well, it’d be my phone charger, or my keys.  She’d suddenly realize the extra weight, look in her bag, and then get kind of annoyed about it, you know?

So then, the squares.

Talking Totems: Chad and his Suits

IMG_1621The first B&Tailor trunk show I visited was attended by Changjin, the Park son known for dressing in all manners of his Italian tutelage, nary a necktie.  On Wednesday, I met his older brother Chad, a veritable anomaly of the suit-wearing world, pulling off vintage style, nary a caricature.  His tape measure a stole around his neck, Chad Park shares his favorite item.

Chad, what’s the most special thing you are wearing right now?

My suits.

Which one?

All of them.

Why is that?

My father has made every one.

Do you remember the first one?

Yes, when I was a teenager.  It was my high school graduation, and he made it just for that day.  It was . . . gray, herringbone, three-button.  A classic suit.

Was this kind of suit your idea?

Chad shakes his head, points to the elder Park, and smiles.


Talking Totems : Jan and His Tank


I picked up a suit off the peg when I was in California.  In desperate need of adjustments, I entrusted the job to the best: the gentlemen of The Armoury.  Inside their Landmark location, Jan Tong measured and folded, suggesting a proper fit for my needs.  Coordinated in a mélange of blues, Jan shared his standout item.

Jan, what’s the most special thing you’re wearing right now?

I can’t really say . . . well, here.  My watch.  It’s a Cartier Tank I got a while back.

How long ago?

Four or five years ago, when I was in secondary school.  But the watch is much older.  I was still wearing the band it came with, which I just replaced this year.

Why did you choose this watch?